Best Preventive Annual Health Checkup Packages in Pune
Preventive Annual Health Check-up
Acomprehensive health check-up programme ia deaigned to Provide an assessment of your health status and overaé fitness.
Below the age of 40 years
- Haemogram
- Blood Sugar Fasting
- Blood Urea
- Lipid Profile
- Serum Creatinine
- Chest X- Ray
- Medical check-up a Physician
- Diet Counselling
- Gynaecological check-up 8 (for females only )
- PAP Smear (for females only)
Male: 3,000/-
Female: 3,700/-
Below the age of 40 years
- Haemogram
- Blood Sugar Fasting
- Blood Urea
- Lipid Profile
- Serum Creatinine
- Chest X- Ray
- Usg Abdomen / Pelvis + by Residual Urine
- Medical check-up by Physician
- Diet Counselling
- Ophthalmic check-up with refraction
- Gynaecological check-up (for females only)
- PAP Smear (for females only)
Male: 4,400/-
Female: 5,400/-
Individuals wanting to avai the facility of these packages wil be required to Report at 9 am to the TPA/ Health Check Counter on first floor. the chosen package includes sugar (F/PP) or Lipid Profile please come fasting for a minimum 12 hrs. (no tea, coffee, milk to be taken before investigation), Regular medication, if any, may be taken with little water, For investigation Ie USG you need a prior appontment, Please contact the TPA/ Health Counter : 6609 000 ext. 5113 / 1378, Payment / colleckon of lab reports are t be done at the TPA / Health Check Courter, Physician check-up can be dane between 2 pm -4 pm with prior appainiment, Please bring all the reports,